03 June 2011

Summer Bucket List

A week into summer vacation and I've only heard the "B" word twice . . . "I'm BORED!" What they haven't realized yet is I've got a yard full of weeds that will keep them busy for the next decade.

Our summer seems to be quite full . . . of good ideas. We'll see what we actually get to, although I know if you don't plan it, it won't happen. Monday for FHE we did some preliminary planning.
A trip to the library ALWAYS commences our summer vacation and boy were we excited to go this year. The previous week Kiersten, Erik, and I made an impromptu stop at the Magna library to check out the new digs. Wow are we ever in love. The Hunter library was good to us but we won't be going back. We got home and talked up the new library so much that everyone wanted to see what it was all about. It did not disappoint.

Tennis club has begun (more about that later), I've run more this week than I have for a VERY, Very, very long time (I need to though; I've only got 12 weeks before my half marathon.), and this morning we rode our bikes 2.5 miles to Denny's for breakfast (It's something we've been wanting to do since Denny's opened up a few months ago.).

It did not disappoint.

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