19 June 2011

Mysterious family connections

Last night we attended a ward barbecue and I wore my Ferron Peach Days fun run shirt. My neighbor, Cindy Astill, asked about Ferron and I told her I was from Ferron. She was visibly shocked because apparently her brother, Steve Beagley, lives there and I knew who they were. Small town meet small town.

Later as we were eating, Tyler asked me if one of the ladies there was an Ellis (his side of the family and quite large) and I didn't have a clue. Well, she, Carina Astill, was wondering the same thing about him and came over to ask. Carina is Tyler's second cousin and is married to Cindy Astill's son. She lived with her in-laws for a short time before moving to Stansbury.

Today before the Sunday school lesson began, a lady approached me and introduced herself as Cindy's sister and a local Ferronite and told me how she loves my mom. I never caught her name before the lesson started and will have to unravel this mystery.

Before sacrament meeting started, the kids were telling me about how Sister Astill's nieces were in Primary and they were from Ferron and one was friends with my sister Natalie.

So at dinner we were talking about the strange coincidences from the previous evening and today and Nate says, "So, in a roundup kind of way we are related to people in Ferron."

Yep. You're right. Grandma and Grandpa live there.

And so do the Beagleys who are related to our neighbors the Astills who are related to the Ellises who are related to the Learys, specifically Tyler.

I know what you meant Nate. It is a very small world in deed. I love that I grew up in a small town and have come back to live in a small town.

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

I'm impressed that Tyler recognized his 2nd cousin! My kids wouldn't!