04 June 2011

Closer to Christ - Days 66-72

DAY 66
Scripture study: Helaman 11-12
Mark and ponder: Helaman 12:23-24
Scripture thought of the day: D&C 95:1
Thought of the day: "The process of perfection includes challenges to overcome and steps to repentance that may be very painful. There is a proper place for chastisement in the molding of character, for we know that "whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth." -Russell M. Nelson

DAY 67
Scripture study: Helaman 13-14
Mark and ponder: Helaman 13:11, 14:8
Scripture thought of the day: Alma 34:33
Thought of the day: "Repentance through faith in the Lord's Atonement is the vital, lifelong process - not an isolated event - of coming unto Christ and being sanctified in Him." -George F. Hilton

DAY 68
Scripture study: Helaman 15-16
Mark and ponder: Helaman 15:8-9
Scripture thought of the day: 1 Nephi 26:8
Thought of the day: "Even yesterday's spiritual experience . . . does not guarantee us against tomorrow's relapse. Persisitence thus matters greatly." -Neal A. Maxwell

DAY 69
Scripture study: 3 Nephi 1-3
Mark and ponder: 3 Nephi 1:18-19
Scripture thought of the day: 3 Nephi 1:14
Thought of the day: "There is one supreme fact in the universe. It eclipses all other truths, all thought, all being, all emotion. God lives." -Utah Senator Jake Garn

DAY 70
Scripture study: 3 Nephi 4
Mark and ponder: 3 Nephi 4:10
Scripture thought of the day: 3 Nephi 4:8
Thought of the day: "When it comes to prayer, let's have no more empty statements and insincere but polite phrases. Be honest. If you're mad, say so. If you're confused, say so. And don't think anything is too small for the Savior's loving attention." -Cheiko N. Okazaki

DAY 71
Scripture study: 3 Nephi 5-7
Mark and ponder: 3 Nephi 5:13
Scripture thought of the day: D&C 127:4
Thought of the day: "Having daily access to the Spirit . . . is better than periodic miracles." -Neal A. Maxwell

DAY 72
Scripture study: 3 Nephi 8-10
Mark and ponder: 3 Nephi 9:14-15
Scripture thought of the day: D&C 76:5-7
Thought of the day: "We may never understand nor comprehend in mortality how he accomplished what he did, but we must not fail to understand why he did what he did." -Ezra Taft Benson

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