25 June 2011

A first birthday among other firsts this week

Oh my goodness. I remember thinking last year when I was just about ready to deliver Alex and we were in the middle of framing the house, "Please let me survive all this craziness." And ya know, I did. Where did this last year go? It definitely was not a year I would ever want to repeat but it was full of wonderful people and experiences.

Especially this one.

None of us could ever imagine our lives without him. He is a bundle of pure happiness and love.

The day started off with presents and his first chocolate milk. Later we introduced him to the zoo where his experience reminded me a lot of Erik's at the Dinosaur Museum in Ogden when Erik was little. Alex DID NOT like the dinosaurs throughout the zoo, especially the one that spat water at him.

He didn't really care for the giraffe either that practically came eyeball to eyeball with him. It was a fun first experience and I loved watching my "other" kids get so excited about experiencing Alex's "firsts" with him.

Afterwards we treated him to his first kids meal. He shocked me by eating it all. Not a drop on the floor.

Happy Birthday Big Al. Can't wait to see what this next year brings.

Today Ash ran her first race. She wasn't quite sure where the finish was and kept booking it down the road. I was laughing with one parent about his son who kept going until I looked up and Ash was right along side him. Someone finally led them back.

Nate won his first "big" prize. In fact it was the granddaddy prize of all . . . an annual family membership to the Family Fitness Center (a $372 value). I don't think the idea was to give it away to a nonresident but we are going to try our hardest to make use of it this year.

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