18 June 2011

Closer to Christ - Days 80 - 86

DAY 80
Scripture study: Mormon 2-4
Mark and ponder: Mormon 4:5
Scripture thought of the day: Matthew 6:33
Thought of the day: "There must be purpose in our lives. We are here to accomplish something to bless society with our talents and our learning. There can fun, yes. But there must be recognition of the fact that life is serious, that the risks are great, but that we can overcome them if we discipline ourselves and seek the unfailing strength of the Lord." -Gordon B. Hinckley

DAY 81
Scripture study: Mormon 5-7
Mark and ponder: Ether 12:27
Scripture thought of the day: Moroni 7:5
Thought of the day: "You are good. But it is not enough to just be good. You must be good for something. You must contrib8te good to the world. The world must be a better place for your presence. And the good that is in you must be spread to others." -Gordon B. Hinckley

DAY 82
Scripture study: Mormon 8-9
Mark and ponder: Mormon 9:21, 27-28
Scripture thought of the day: Matthew 17:20
Thought of the day: "The faithful will exercise faith and pray always for all who are within the reach of the Lord. The good desire good to all." -Brigham Young

DAY 83
Scripture study: Ether 1-3
Mark and ponder: Ether 3:14-16
Scripture though of the day: Ether 12:6
Thought of the day: "Are you full of faith? You can tell whether I am or not by looking at me. You can tell whether the brethren who have been speaking to you are full of faith in the gospel by the look of their countenances. You can see if there is not a word spoken." -Brigham Young

DAY 84
Scripture study: Ether 4-7
Mark and ponder: Ether 5:3-4
Scripture thought of the day: D&C 17
Thought of the day: "For their testimonies [the Three Witnesses] shall rise up to condemn the unbelieving and rebellious before the judgment seat of Christ, yea there are or will be 10,000 times 10,000 other witnesses to testify with equal surety of the truth of the Book of Mormon." -Bruce R. McConkie

DAY 85
Scripture study: Ether 8-10
Mark and ponder: Ether 8:18-24; 9:16-20, 26-35
Scripture thought of the day: Moroni 7:5, 12
Thought of the day: "This scripture should alert us to what is ahead unless we repent, because there is no question that as people of the free world, we are increasingly upholding many of the vils of the adversary today. By court edict godless conspirators can run for government office, teach in our schools, hold office in labor unions, work in our defense plants, serve in our merchant marines, etc. As a nation, we are helping to underwrite many evil revolutionaries in our country." -Ezra Taft Benson

DAY 86
Scripture study: Ether 11-12
Mark and ponder: Ether 12:6-18
Scripture thought of the day: Alma 32:27
Thought of the day: "It is faith tht is the converter. It is faith that is the teacher. This precious and marvelous gift of faith, this gift from God our Eternal Father is the strength of this work and the quiet vibrancy of its message. Faith underlies it all. Faith is the substance of it all. Whether it be going into the mission field, living the Word of Wisdom, paying one's tithing, it is all the same. It is the faith within us that is evidenced in all we do." -Gordon B. Hinckley

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