26 June 2011

Closer to Christ - Days 87-90

DAY 87
Scripture study: Ether 13-15
Mark and ponder: Ether 12:27
Scripture thought of the day: Moroni 10:32
Thought of the day: "Hopefully, we're making some progress in our own individual lives. I hope that every person can feel he or she is a little better today than they were yesterday, a little kinder, a little more gracious, a little more generous, a little more honest in purpose and word an deed, a little stronger for the right, a little stronger to resist the wrong."

DAY 88
Scripture study: Moroni 1-6
Mark and ponder: Moroni 4:3, 5:2
Scripture thought of the day: Moroni 6:4, 6
Thought of the day: "Few ordinances or performances in the Church act as a greater incentive to personal righteousness than partaking of the sacrament. Those who partake of the sacramental emblems - having a comprehension of the covenant involved - are making for themselves a course which will result in obedience, holiness, and sanctification." -Bruce R. McConkie

DAY 89
Scripture study: Moroni 7-9
Mark and ponder: Moroni 8:24-26
Scripture thought of the day: Matthew 7:7-8
Thought of the day: "While it is a simple thing in a life of faith, I have truly, truly learned the importance of always praying. When one prays from the heart, it increases the faithful heart. And when one has a faithful heart, a deeper love grows. When love grows, it leads to the ability to treat those around us kindly. Praying unceasingly will bring about a better life as a member of the church. -Hitoshi Kashikura

DAY 90
Scripture study: Moroni 10
Mark and ponder: Moroni 10:3-5
Scripture thought of the day: D&C 11:13
Thought of the day: "Without reservation, I promise that is you will prayerfully read the Book of Mormon, regardless of how many times you previously have read it, there will come into your hearts an added measure of the Spirit of the Lord. There will come a strengthened resolution to walk in obedience to His commandments, and there will come a stronger testimony of the living reality of the Son of God." -Gordon B. Hinckley

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