12 June 2011

14 Years

Oh man, I can't believe how young we looked. We were young. Where does the time go. You never know what 14 years will bring. Lots of happiness and joy. Much pain and sadness. But most of all 5 wonderfully good children whom I wouldn't trade for anything.

Due to a Sunday anniversary we celebrated at home with our own ribeye steaks, baked potatoes, rolls, veggies. Have I mentioned that Ty cooks a fabulous steak. Oh, it was yummy. Afterwards, to work off dinner, we went for a walk in the hills above our house and watched a hot air balloon float overhead while getting eatin' alive by the gnats (I felt like a dog with fleas). I don't know that I've ever seen a hot air balloon here in the Tooele valley, and it was kind of fun to watch.

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