01 June 2011

Are you feeling a little overwhelmed?

I came across this article on LDS.org and had to breath deeply afterwards to not hyperventilate. It exhausted me to read it even though I knew it was fiction (but I also had a good laugh). Why is it that we as women feel we need to do all and be all to everyone. I offer no quick fix or solution, but I believe the key is surely in setting priorities and then having the self-discipline to act on those priorities. One of my mantras I try to live by is people are more important than things or projects, and by people I mean the people who are within my circle of influence on a daily basis (Internet acquaintances don't count in my world). So with that I often ask myself each day (usually in prayer) not only what are the most important things I need to accomplish that day but also who needs my help. When I put others first, the mundane annoyances miraculously seem to take care of themselves. Read on.

Mirthright: It Only Takes 30 Minutes a Day . . .
By Barbara Stockwell, Ensign, July 1982
A few weeks ago I read an article about the importance of studying scriptures, so I set my alarm for thirty minutes earlier every day. Then I remembered I should write in my journal every day, so I stayed up a half-hour later each night.

Then last week in Relief Society we were admonished to exercise daily to keep our bodies fit, so I got up a little earlier each day to jog. Later in the week, I read a magazine article that promised me beautiful skin in only fifteen minutes a day, and another one said that a half-hour a day of meditation could change my life. A self-help book told me I should spend at least thirty minutes a day visualizing my desires and repeating positive affirmations. I had to get up earlier to do this. 

Still, I was able to squeeze other activities into my already heavily scheduled day. I learned to do the pelvic tilt to relieve my lower back pain while driving to work. And I did my isometric exercises while at my desk. I cut my lunch hour in half in order to read the Ensign. In only half an hour a day I was able to finish it before the next one came … except for the conference issue. For that I had to stay up a little at night and read, after my goal planning was done. 

Another woman’s magazine said I could give myself professional nail care in only ten minutes a day. It also suggested that a foot soak after work would do wonders to relieve tiredness. I tried to do that while I was preparing dinner, but I got so relaxed I kept dropping the carrot sticks in the gravy. Dinner would have to be delayed a little, and that would push bedtime back about a half-hour. But it was all worth it; I was becoming a new woman. 

I learned in a class on success that the only way to make it in life is to write a “to do” list each night and then review it every morning to set priorities for the day. It only takes a few minutes and saves a lot of time in the long run. And did you know that if you spend only an extra forty-five minutes a day on housework you never have to get bogged down in spring cleaning? 

It is marvelous how many things can be done in such a short time, and I would feel negligent if I said I couldn’t find those few minutes. After all, is a few minutes a day for all that improvement too much to ask? I can always set the alarm a little earlier. 

But last night as I was setting the alarm after my prayers I realized it was time to get up and jog. Maybe I should make out a new schedule—it will only take a few minutes. …

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