04 April 2011

One project completed

I can't believe what a difference having a backsplash makes in our kitchen. It just feels finished and Tyler and I both love it. Our tiler also discovered a snail fossil in one of the tiles located right behind the cooktop. How cool is that!

I also won the Oreo prize for brackets. Yea for Butler! Alex took 2nd although he doesn't look too happy about it and Kiersten came in 3rd. Also I'm not sure why the picture looks yellow. I'm going to have to figure that one out. Maybe it has something to do with our compact fluorescent lights. But it seems that only the nighttime pictures turn out like this. Hmmmm . . .


Ambs said...

its the white balance setting your camera has... It might be adjustable depending on the camera you use. Daytime pictures are always easier! :)

mommaquincy said...

Great kitchen! I was sorry I had to miss your open house, so the pictures are great! Maybe we can get a tour at the Easter Bash?