29 April 2011


Finally, the blinds and shutters made it on the slow boat from China. Is there anything that ISN'T made in China? Just as we are happy to block the world out, I'm sure our neighbors are just as happy that we enclosed our little world and won't be sharing so much.
Our Ruebush cousins have broken ground next door and are starting to build their home. It is going to be one long year and I don't envy them one bit. I'm so happy to be on the other side of that project!

We have an accepted offer on our Stansbury house. The buyers didn't have a realtor* and even went above list to get all the concessions they wanted. We're hoping to close in a couple of weeks if all goes smoothly. The first hurdle is the appraisal which comes in tomorrow. Lucky for us this appraiser was the one who got our Lake Point home to appraise where it needed to and he also appraised our Stansbury house when we were buying it. However, we are dealing with FHA rules and the comps might be a little tricky to find. Keeping my fingers crossed.

*Can I just say these people DO NOT know how to write up an offer. They NEEDED a realtor desperately. Tyler finally had to just close the deal over the phone and forego all the paperwork because it just wasn't happenin'.

1 comment:

Ambs said...

I absolutely LOVE your wall paneling!! It looks so nice in that little corner of your home... wish I could see more!