10 April 2011

A temple sealing

Yesterday I attended the sealing of a cousin in the Rexburg Temple and was so grateful to be able to go. I LOVE being in the temple. When we arrived there was a lot of chaos and commotion outside as brides and grooms and families were picture taking. But inside it was quiet and serene and such a contrast from what was taking place outside. I was able to sit for about 20 minutes and ponder and think and look in those mirrors that go on f. o. r. e. v. e. r. I reflected on my own sealing and what an amazing day it was (and how I hated having everyone looking at me). But I loved being reminded of those sealing words that bound Tyler and me together literally for eternity. What an amazing promise if we keep our covenants.

I also loved that the sealer performed the sealing first thing so that the couple could relax as he gave them some counsel. Something he said stuck with me. The husband is the presider and his wife is a counselor whom he should counsel with often. And then the Lord is the other counselor. I've always known that by having a temple marriage, you are covenanting with the Lord and allowing him to be a third member of that marriage. But I'd never quite thought of Him as being a counselor like in a bishopric. I liked that analogy.

After we had all given our congrats and hugs, the sealer shut the doors and left that happy couple in the sealing room by themselves for just a few minutes. Oh, how I wished we had been able to do that. I love the idea of having a few minutes alone, together, to reflect on what just occured and perhaps take a second look in those mirrors before tackling the remainder of a crazy day.

And to think that I'll be able to do it all again in a few weeks. I can hardly wait. Bring on the Kleenex. I think I'm going to need a whole box.

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