21 December 2014


What can I say . . . we were not meant to be pet people. Remember Fermie, our pet gecko?

For some reason pets don't like us and decide death is the most viable option to living with us (yes, I know I'm foreshadowing a little here).

At our annual neighborhood adult white elephant Christmas party (try to say that several times in a row), I came home with three goldfish. Or what Tyler and I thought were goldfish. Our friend clarified that they were nothing more than feeder fish . . . the fish that ultimately get fed to other fish.

Tyler was shocked I picked the fish to bring home. I could have stolen the blanket and chocolates but thought my kids would get a kick out of having some fish.

Those marine life were quickly dubbed Bruce, Scissors, and Banana. I was hoping they would last at least a week.

Two days later we lost Bruce.

The next day was Banana.

And Scissors was the last to flop over a day later.

If you do the math correctly, we had them all of three days total.

Like I said, I don't think pets are in our future or should even be considered.

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