02 December 2014

Christmas Newsletter 2014

The Leary Family
Alex (4) is my partner in crime for Cookie Thursday, a tradition we started last school year. He’s reading and tinkering on the piano. He surprised us all when he recited his part from memory (with no help) for the Primary program.
Ashlyn  (9) joined the Lego League team this year. As our roller blade queen, she was able to blade our entire 6 mile route on the Jordan River Parkway without breakin’ a sweat. She is also the only one left at the elementary school until Alex joins her next year.
Nathan (12) soloed on the violin at his first orchestra concert and accompanied a girl on the piano for a musical number during church. He runs with Kiersten and the cross country team during their summer training sessions and ran the last 6 miles of my Bryce Canyon Half Marathon with me.
Erik (14) invited his mom to eat lunch with him when she was subbing at his high school. Is he feeling okay? He’s now taller than her and quickly closing in on his dad. Jeans and nicer shirts have finally become part of his wardrobe. His friend Carl likes to tell him he’s swagalicious.
Kiersten (15) is still desperately trying to stay awake to study for her driving permit. She’s joined the cross country team and says it’s the best decision she’s ever made. After a family trip to San Francisco she’s pretty sure she’s going to live there one day. She also decided to switch from violin to viola in her orchestra class this year.
Missy had big changes in August beginning with a new calling as Young Women President. That necessitated FINALLY getting a cell phone to keep up with all her girls. She also started substitute teaching around the valley. High schoolers are her favorite; first graders: not so much :)
Tyler survived a several-month attack of whooping cough. TREES! He keeps planting them and the neighbor thinks he has an obsession. One day he’ll run out of space . . . maybe. He ran his first 5k, bought some actual running shoes, and has had to put basketball on hold due to plantar fasciitis.
Merry Christmas

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