23 December 2014

A Christmas miracle

Sometimes the Lord has ways of putting people where they need to be and so it was with me.

One of my young women has been in the foster care system and had been in a home in our ward for a couple of years until recently.

I don't know the details of why she is no longer there but we were all saddened to have her leave so quickly.

For a combined activity the young men and young women made some blankets to deliver to families in our ward. Each organization picked one person who they'd like it delivered to and the Beehives decided on McKenzey.

The only problem was we didn't know exactly where she ended up until one night on the news there was a story of two girls who ran away from a youth center. We prayed for her, and as I followed the news she was eventually found at her mom's home. I took down the address of the the detention center she ended up at in case that's where we needed to take her blanket.

At the time I felt this was a gift from Heavenly Father letting me know where she was. As young women leaders we just wanted her to know that she was loved.

Singing Christmas carols and riding on a hay wagon, we delivered our blankets on Wednesday. Friday I subbed at the junior high. I had an 8th period prep hour and was planning on heading home until the school needed me to cover for an English class 8th hour.

I wasn't exactly thrilled with this turn of events but it's how it goes as a substitute. As I was talking to a teacher, finding out what exactly was happening that hour (no lesson plans and the kids kept telling me there was some English fun day happening that hour), I looked out in the hall and saw McKenzey. Shocked registered on my face as I pointed at her. I was able to pull her away from the activity and talk with her for a few minutes. She was living in Tooele with a different foster family and her former foster family had her address and number. I was able to get the info and deliver the blanket to her last Sunday with her Beehive counselor and a couple of girls from the ward.

But what made it even cooler was that it was her birthday!

I know the Lord had a hand in this. I'm sure we could have easily tracked her down, but the fact that I was at the school that day and in the same hallway was a miracle. It was nice to be able to hug her, talk to her, and let her know we had a gift for her.

As we got in the car after our visit, one of the girls mentioned to the other that she was so glad we did that. I think it meant the world to McKenzey that we visited her - ON HER BIRTHDAY - but I'm sure it also touched the girls who came with us. I don't know what impact this little miracle might have on any of them years from now, but I know that the Lord gives us tender mercies when we are about his work.

1 comment:

Jule said...

Loved this comment: Sir William Temple: "When I pray, coincidences happen and when I don't pray, coincidences don't happen!" I have always felt the same: there is no such thing as coincidences, it is simply God's hand in our lives in answering prayers! I loved this story and so thankful you wrote it down to share! You never will know the complete impact of your deed on this girl's life!