29 November 2014


I'm so grateful for this week of Thanksgiving that segues to a celebration of our Savior's birth. Love this time of year, but more importantly love the baby who gave us a reason to celebrate. Hosanna to God and the Lamb.

The day started out with a quasi fun run on one of the most beautiful Thanksgiving mornings I can remember. You would have thought we lived in Phoenix, except you can see snow on the mountains. How grateful I am to live in such a beautiful world. Sunrises and sunsets are some of my favorite things.

All this race cost us was a can of food and we brought several. Kiersten and Nate have had a goal all year long to run a 10K race. They aren't the easiest races to come by and it never came to fruition this summer. This little race put on by the Tooele Running Club had three races you could choose between: a 5K, a 10K, or a half marathon. I immediately said no to the half marathon. If I don't get a shirt and a medal at the end, it just isn't worth it. I'm only half serious about that last sentence.

So I opted for the 5K only because I haven't run in over a month. It's been hard to find time this month and I'm beginning to think my only time is at night, after I've got the kids bedded down. How grateful I am for a body that works and allows me to do so many wonderful things.

Kiersten and Nate chose the 10K and finished together. I'm so stinkin' proud of them. I love watching my kids set their own goals and accomplish them. I love being a mom! It is the most rewarding career there is and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

We've become the chauffeurs for Grandma Leary and love it. I'm grateful that my kids have had this opportunity to get to know their great grandma and she knows them as well. Tyler was pretty certain she had a Mt. Dew or two before we picked her up because she talked nonstop all the way there and all the way back.

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