04 August 2013

Missing In Action

Man alive I sure have felt like I've been gone for awhile. Not physically gone, just mentally. The blogging world just hasn't enticed me these last couple of weeks.

Maybe because of the heat? I'm kind of ready for a cool down.

Maybe because I have bored kids who are ready for school more than they think they are?

Maybe because I know summer is winding down and I know my yard helpers will be gone, so I've been hosting "weeding parties" three days a week in the morning?

Maybe because swimming lessons have started?

Maybe because I really haven't come close to finishing any of my summer projects?

Maybe because I've been running more, trying to get in better shape for my half marathon in a month?

Maybe because Kiersten I have turned into Jane Austen junkies this summer?

Whatever the reason is for my lack of blog posts, I'm hoping my desire will return.

And with that I'll leave you with this . . . 

Yesterday we hosted a baptism family get together for our friends up the street who haven't quite got their yard in yet and couldn't rent the pavilion at the church. I offered our backyard and house and they took us up on it. When I got back from the baptism, Tyler had to show me a new critter that has shown up in our yard (as if we don't have enough):

 Yep, that would be a bat above our walk out stairs. I'm really hoping this isn't his permanent home.


Laura Leary said...

Brian says there is also a black widow spider in this picture.

Missy said...

You're probably right. We have our share of those around here. Thankfully they seem to stay outside and not inside.