11 May 2012

New diet

The month of May has hit with a fury like it does every year. My cough is getting better, but now my nose and head are stuffed. I don't hear very well and I can no longer smell or taste anything unless it is very salty or sweet. This is something new to me and frankly I hate it. I'm not really enjoying anything I eat. Today I chaperoned Nate's class on a field trip and ended up giving him the rest of my Oreos and throwing my chips away. There is just no reason to put that into my body if I'm not going to enjoy it. I may lose those few pounds yet.

And to compound everything else going on, my right knee has been stiffening up on me in the morning making it hurt to bend. I know I haven't injured it because I haven't been able to do anything for the past couple of weeks. I succumbed to visiting an orthopedic surgeon who took xrays and found nothing. There is a slight possibility I may have a torn meniscus, but I won't know that unless I go back in for an MRI. I'll try the anti-inflammatory drugs first but I'm beginning to question my ability to run a half marathon next month.

This girl is praying super hard that my body will heal itself quickly before our Alaska trip in three weeks. Seriously, who wants to be on a cruise ship for a week and not be able to taste any of the food. Can I just say torture. Or not be able to do any of the excursions we have planned because my knee won't cooperate.

There are worse things to deal with, I know. This past month has made me more thankful for a healthy body that performs all its functions and made me more grateful for the sense of smell and taste. Funny how you never think of those things until you no longer have them.

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