03 January 2012

New Year changes

Last year I mentioned that I'm not a real New Year's resolution sort of gal. But I believe in change.

And that's not easy particularly when I hear hard things about myself. I tend to kick against the pricks and deny all accusations especially when they are brought to light by Tyler. That is the natural man in me rearing its ugly head.
So here goes:

I have a hard time saying I'm sorry when's there's been an argument and feelings have been hurt. The scriptures call that pride, and I've been too proud to ask for forgiveness. I tend to let a few days go by and then life seems to ease back to normal. 

But not really. The hurt is still there and that is no way to mend a relationship.

The change I'm going to work on this year is to simply say I'm sorry when it needs to be said and to mean it.

I've already had some practice when we had a silly little argument over a rice cooker. It was SO HARD to apologize and I have great hope it will get easier with more practice.

Not that I want more practice, however. :)

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

Great goal! I'm sure you don't need to ask forgiveness very often!