13 January 2011

My one and only resolution for the year

I used to love to make new year's resolutions, but I made too many and rarely accomplished them within the year. Therefore resolutions have slowly gone out the window. I tend to make them when I need to; and so today when I woke up and the sun was shining and the air wasn't bitter cold, I resolved to start running again. It has been many months since I've been and I even surprised myself by doing 3 miles: it felt great.

Last August my mom and sisters went to Logan to support my sister Katie in running a half marathon. It also gave us a good excuse for a girl party. Judging from this photo, I need to be running. I knew I put on a lot of pounds with Alex, but I didn't realize how fat I looked. I remember running about a month after Alex's birth and thinking how much harder it felt with all that extra weight on. I had greater sympathy for fat people who are trying to work out. It is much more difficult. Five months later I've lost the majority of my baby weight, but there's still a few pesky pounds that don't want to leave. I'm hoping that starting to run again will help with that problem.
 Resolution for Year 2011:
Run a half marathon.
Whew. I've said it.

And after today that's only another 10 miles.

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

Fat? I don't see it! Good job on making a doable goal!