18 January 2012

John Bytheway

I've become that mom I never wanted to be. You know the chauffeur mom who  shuttles the children to all their various activities. I mean just take a look at my calendar. That's just the way it is when you no longer live within walking distance of a lot of functions.
But I rediscovered a secret a month or so ago and his name is John Bytheway (rediscover being the key word since he was around when I was a teenager!). I insert him into our van's CD player and he keeps the kids entertained. I love his insights into the scriptures and hopefully my posse is also learning something as we travel back and forth.

I love that Kiersten gets in the van with her friend and the first thing she says is to shush because they have to listen to this part.

I love that Nate laughs hysterically while saying how much he loves this guy.

I love that my nephew is quoting him on the playground at school.

I love that Erik chooses to watch his DVD rather than something else.

I love that they request certain talks instead of certain radio stations.

He definitely has a way with the youth and I'm hoping he has a way with my youth.


ellisgomez said...

love it! I love John Bytheway too :)

mommaquincy said...

A great way to travel!