31 January 2021

Revelation as pure intelligence

"A person may profit by noticing the first intimation of the spirit of revelation; for instance, when you feel pure intelligence flowing into you, it may give you sudden strokes of ideas, so that by noticing it, you may find it fulfilled the same day or soon; (i.e.) those things that were presented unto your minds by the Spirit of God, will come to pass; and thus by learning the Spirit of God and understanding it, you may grow into the principle of revelation, until you become perfect in Christ Jesus."

-Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith

This week's Come Follow Me study has included Doctrine and Covenants 8-9. I call those the revelation chapters. More specifically how to obtain revelation. One of my very favorite talks by Jeffrey R. Holland references these chapters.

Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence.

It's a BYU Speech that you can find HERE.

I was thinking about revelation this week on my way to and from work. It's not an easy thing to know when God is speaking to you. And he speaks differently to one person than he does to another. For me, I get thoughts and nudging's. I've also also had that pure intelligence flow into me that Joseph Smith describes.

I recall sitting in a sacrament meeting in Magna and getting the impression that I would be called as the next Primary president. I immediately began looking around the ward as to who my counselors might be. Same thing happened here in my current ward, only the outcome was a bit different. I knew big changes were headed my way, was pretty confident about the new calling I would be getting, and I had already decided on a counselor; the bishop caught me by surprise with a different calling and then informed me that my "counselor" would be filling a similar position (they were redoing two separate organizations). So even though I may have been a bit mistaken in my next calling, I was still given a heads up that my life would be changing.

Those "sudden strokes of ideas" or pure intelligence has also come to me as I write. One time I had to write a letter to someone very close. As I sat writing, the thoughts just flowed through my fingers onto my keyboard. I got done composing, reread it, and knew that it had come from God. Those were not my words. Another time came recently in a talk I wrote. The words flowed to me late one night, and again I knew they were from God. Just last week I had another person reach out to me about that talk. Every time this happens I am quick to tell them that it was not my talk. Many times I have put together a Facebook post where I know I had help from above.

It's a miraculous thing to be a conduit to God's words. And how do I know they came from above? Because I am at peace. I feel light.

These are the days of . . . 

*Beautiful January weather. Perfect for a hike to the "T."

*A science fair project. Alex made it to the district round of the science fair and because they are not in person, we had some extra work to do on our part to get his project uploaded to the site. Then he had to login Friday morning and wait his turn to be interviewed. Tyler says he nailed it.

*An unexpected visit from our kids due to Jason's grandpa's funeral.

*A missionary parent Zoom meeting. I have been so impressed with Nate's mission president. He seems to genuinely love those missionaries and makes sure to keep parents very informed. He invited all parents to a Zoom meeting tonight just to give us updates on what is happening in the mission and give us a chance to ask any questions we might have. I loved hearing from him and his wife.

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