10 February 2021

Couple emails from Nate plus a bonus Facebook post he made

FEBRUARY 8, 2021


The highlight of the week by far was on Saturday. I was asked to play a musical number at a Spanish baptism again, and once again, nodded and smiled when people tried to talk to me. We got a call right afterwards from the ZL's saying that we were going to do a mini exchange. Elder Spilsbury came and joined us for the rest of the day, and it was amazing. We prayed specifically to find someone in the park, and we both thought of someone with a blue hat. We walked outside our apartment and the first person we saw was wearing a blue hat and walking towards the park. We went and talked to them and got their number, and they're going to come to church this Sunday!

We also put on a ward zoom call so people could get together during COVID since the majority of our ward is older at-risk people. We've tried it in the past, but no one showed up. This last week though, we really worked hard to invite people to come and we had 15 different families on, and you could tell some of them hadn't talked to friends from the ward in months. It was really cool to see how happy it made them.

Lastly, I want to promise that the power of prayer is real. If you are worthy of the Holy Ghost, and give a specific prayer for a good cause, and do your part, your prayer will be answered. The Lord is bound when we do what He says, and he has promised to answer those prayers when we do our part. I testify of this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Leary 

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FEBRUARY 1, 2021
Cop Craziness


Sorry I didn't write last week, we had a hard situation come up that we had to deal with. This week was kind of crazy. We had zone conference on Wednesday, which was really awesome. I got to play a musical number and we were taught some really cool things. On Thursday night I called the cops for the first time. A man on the floor below us was arguing super loudly with a woman, and we were concerned about what was going on. Then, he ran to the balcony and screamed help, and we figured that was probably a good enough excuse to call the cops. They sent someone, but I don't think anyone was actually in danger. I'm pretty sure he was just trying to look like the victim, we never heard any signs of violence.

On Saturday, our zone had five baptisms, which was amazing. I got roped into doing a musical number at both of them at the last second, even though the second one was a Spanish baptism. And when I say last second, I mean they had us bring some baptismal forms a half hour before because they didn't have any and they said they had forgotten to ask someone to play the hymns, and then asked if I could accompany two people that were already planning on doing a musical number. It was a lot of fun honestly, and that night since the baptism was when we had dinner planned they let us steal their truck to go grab food real fast. It was the first time I've driven in almost six months.

Lastly, we've heard prophets and apostles say that we will not survive spiritually in this day and age if we do not learn how to receive personal revelation. I want to share a few quotes about following the Spirit and the miracles that will come. Elder Bednar said, "Personal pride is the greatest obstacle to walking in the meekness of the Lord's Spirit." President Eyering, when talking to Elder Bednar, said, "President, if you have not been rebuked lately by the Holy Ghost as you were praying, then you need to improve your prayers."  We need to improve our prayers and stay humble. As well President Monson promises that "miracles are everywhere to be found when Priesthood callings are magnified. When faith replaces doubt; when selfless service eliminates selfish strivings, the power of God brings to pass his purposes." As we focus on following the spirit and serving others more, we will see additional power in our lives to overcome challenges, you will see additional strength in your marriages and family relationships, and we will become the servants that the Lord needs in these final days. I testify of this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

-Elder Leary

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FEBRUARY 10, 2021
Bonus Facebook Post

Over the past few years, but this last one in particular, I've seen an increase in the number of political posts and messages on social media. I've seen great friends bash on each other's views, once-friendly neighbors at each others throats, and a great discord and lack of peace and harmony in our nation. The trend and direction of this increased contention cannot lead to any good outcome; it has become an increasing danger in our day that will lead to the destruction of the relationships we hold most dear. 

Prophets centuries ago saw our day, and this danger looming on the horizon, and included history relevant to our day to help us combat this. Alma 51 shows us the danger of political strife, and the inevitable outcome if it continues. We read in verses 2 and 3 that there were those that desired the law to be changed, but the chief judge, named Pahoran, would not change it. 

Verse 4 reads: 

Therefore, those who were desirous that the law should be altered were angry with him, and desired that he should no longer be chief judge over the land; therefore there arose a warm dispute concerning the matter”

Later, in verse 9, we read that “this was a critical time for such contentions to be among the people of Nephi; for behold, Amalickiah had again stirred up the hearts of the people of the Lamanites against the people of the Nephites, and he was gathering together soldiers from all parts of his land, and arming them, and preparing for war with all diligence. 

 Likewise, in our day, Satan is gathering soldiers and preparing for war with all diligence. He is battling for our hearts, our minds, our virtue, our love, our peace, our families, our hopes, our dreams, and our relationship with God. We cannot be the king-men that sit idly by while this great war rages on. (v. 13) We MUST take steps to prepare as Moroni did, and fortify where we are most weak, as well as help those around us do the same. We cannot help them if we are also fighting over political views with those whom we should love and care for. 

 In verse 27, we read that Amalickiah, by way of his numberless hosts, took over the strong fortifications  of Moroni, and used them to continue to attack other cities. In our day, our fortifications are under attack. Our strongest defenses, namely, our families, church attendance, scriptures study, and prayer, are under attack. Satan continues to try to pull apart families, to change the nature of what a family is, and distracts us from spending time with them. He overwhelms us with choices so that we have no time for what really matters. 

In addition, he seeks to invade our place of refuge and safety (v. 30), or in other words, our homes. Our homes should be divine sanctuaries where we can feel the Spirit and be protected from the evils of the world. Instead, we are being attacked by distractions that leave us with no time for family home evening, by technology that wastes our time and makes us forget to serve our loved ones, and by plagues such as pornography that force the Spirit out of our homes. If we allow Satan’s influence in our home, however small, we allow him full control to “harass [us] on every side” (52:9). 

Our relationships with our family, our church members, our neighbors, and our God are the most important part of our lives. Do not let politics or technology distract you from what really matters. Do not contend with others or do things that drive the Spirit away. I’d encourage each of you to pray and write down three things you can do over the next week to better serve those around you or invite the Spirit more into your home.  I know that as we do this that we will have more joy, for "heaven is a continuation of the ideal family." (Preach My Gospel, pg. 89) We may not have an ideal family or home life, but I know that as we strive towards that, we draw closer to our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ. I say this in His name, the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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