25 May 2020

Missionary letters that I got behind on

May 11, 2020

Pizza Pizza
Well another week of quarantine has come and gone. It was a good week though. We're allowed to get food from members again, which has been super nice. I also had some success reaching out to people from my past areas this week. 
I'll throw a picture in at the bottom, but since member meals have been okayed we've had 10 pizzas dropped off. All in 1 week. I'm kind of sick of pizza, but I can't really complain because it's free pizza. 

I also started contacting people I used to work ith in my past areas. It was super good. I called a lady I taught in Rockledge last night and wished her a happy mother's day. She broke down crying and said how grateful she was for my call because nobody had called all day. We talked for about an hour and it was a super cool experience. 

I was thinking this week about how I was thinking this week about how we sometimes have a tendency to think "I didn't sign up for this." Things happen that we don't expect and then we decide that since it isn't what we expected or wanted that we will just give up. Like with me right when quarantine started, I didn't expect to be quarantined for months of my mission right when I was at my best. And for a little bit I decided I wasn't going to try to adapt because it was too difficult, because I didn't know exactly how to do online missionary work, and because of a bunch of other stuff. But I realized that that's what life is about. As soon as we get in a groove we start to get complacent, and then we get thrown a curveball that makes us stretch and grow. That's the whole reason we're here. To be tested to see if we will choose to do what's right even when things get tough. So anyway, that's my thought for the week. This is exactly what we signed up for. Keep pressing forward and doing what's right. 

May 18, 2020

Quick Update
Hey this will probably be my shortest email yet. I'm getting moved back to Deltona tomorrow and getting a new comp. He's from Brazil and I've heard he's fun. So I'm excited. 

We also had a mission-wide zoom meeting with Elder Bednar. He is a cool dude. It was great and we all learned something from it. I wasn't sure what to expect, but we all really enjoyed it. 

We also can now teach people at the church. So that's a big step. Maybe we'll be able to set some things up to start meeting in person again with some people. First we need to find people to teach though, which is definitely a challenge right now. 

Anyway, that's all the info I got for yall. I'm still here. I'm doing good. Life's OK.

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