Thursday could not have been more happiness-filled. It was the last day of school . . . technically (we were SO done a few weeks ago), Erik was celebrating his birthday in Florida (threw himself a little party and got some take-out for several missionaries on my dime), and baby Oliver decided he would like his own birthday party.
Kiersten's water broke at 3am, she messaged Erik to tell him he would be an uncle on his birthday and NOT to tell anyone else yet, went to the hospital who told her that her water DID NOT break and sent her home, went to her regularly scheduled doctor's appointment at 8:30 where her doctor told her that her water DID break and sent her back to the hospital.
This little guy was born at about 5pm, weighing just 5 pounds, 6 ounces, and is about the size of a 20 oz bottle of Coke.
I had to go to school for a last-day-of-school reverse parade to say goodbye to students, and just as I got there, Nate called to say Kiersten was in labor. I got to share my good news with all my good friends at school. After our parade, I came home and sent the three kids off to Grandma's (Great-Grandma now) house for a few days. They all needed a quarantine break, and Nate needed a graduation celebration.
Later that night we were all able to join in on a Facebook Messenger chat and meet little Oliver for the first time.
This little guy has filled our hearts with so much love.

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