10 May 2020

First college graduate

God is in the details of our lives.

I never dreamed when Kiersten embarked on this college adventure in August of 2017 that graduation wouldn't be happening.

It still is. Only in August.

She should have been walking in a commencement ceremony on May 1. Instead we all piled in the van (that we just sold to them) and headed to Utah Valley University to get some pictures.

A few days before, I asked on our ward Relief Society Facebook page if anyone might have a cap and gown we could borrow. I wasn't concerned about colors and really thought that I'd end up with all black.

But Heavenly Father had something better, a color I wouldn't have even imagined anyone had.

UVU Green!

My wonderful neighbor texted to say she had a black gown and a green cap.

Who holds on to these things. Turns out the gown was her husband's from college graduation and the cap was from her high school graduation.

They were perfect.

We got Mexican takeout (Joe Bandido's in Springville -- YUM!) and ate under a sky bridge of sorts to keep us out of the drizzling rain.

And then snapped some photos when we were able to.

I'm so proud of this girl. It's not an easy feat to graduate from college. But she did it in three years and pregnant her last.

As a psych major with plans to eventually get a Ph.D., she's been working on a paper she hopes to get published eventually.

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