05 October 2019

Went to UCF this week

Hello everyone! I guess I'll talk about the 2 main things that happened this week. The first was that I went on the most fun exchange ever on Friday. I got to go be in YSA for a day at UCF, and it was a blast. Then yesterday we had our return appointment with Brandon, the guy I talked about last week. This was our first lesson with him, and wow is he golden.
Friday was the funnest (yes I said funnest) day ever. I was with Elder Luke, a missionary I came out with. He's the DL here and he is a straight party. He is the most smiley person on the planet. We got to do a bunch of service that morning and then go tracting in some student housing there. We found 6 people in about 3 hours of tracting. Young people are just nicer I guess, plus they understand that we are normal people so they'll talk to us. Also while we were tracting, there were 2 people balling on some courts and so we went and asked them if we could play 2 on 2. They asked if we wanted to play in our white shirts, and we said yes. So we whooped them good. It was pretty fun. We got to talk to them about the gospel a little and give them a card with our number if they wanted to learn more. Anyway, that was our fun day. Now I want to serve in a YSA ward haha. 
So Brandon. Brandon is made of pure gold. We had a lesson on the Gospel of Jesus Christ that we taught using 2 Nephi 31. During which we read a verse about baptism, to which he commented that he wanted to get baptized. He has been growing his faith and repenting, and now he said he wants to get baptized. We said we could help with that. So he got himself a Nov. 2 baptismal date. He also said he wants to watch conference, come to church every week, read the Book of Mormon for an hour a day, help out with any activities or service we do at church, and start living the word of wisdom. We got all this from just our first lesson. The Lord is seriously blessing us here, and I don't really know why, but I'm OK with it.
So those were the highlights from the week. I also saw a Del Taco, which I didn't know existed out here, so I'll have to hit that up one day. (I used to work at Del Taco.)
I also have a challenge for each of you. General conference is this week. We all know people that are struggling with different things or have questions or problems. Invite them to watch a session of conference, and have them write their questions down beforehand. Miracles can happen. Conference can help people find the things they are looking for. I know the prophets are there for each of us. I hope you all enjoy conference this week. 

This video was me doing a Rubiks cube type thing blindfolded. It was pretty difficult 

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