29 September 2019

I guess I'm not a greenie anymore?

This week we met some cool people and had some good lessons. The work is going well here. The big news for me, though, is that I hit my 1 year mark. Depending on who you ask that means I am no longer a greenie, or newbie.

So this week was interesting. Tuesday the Longwood Elders came and tracted in our area with us for the whole afternoon basically, because their car was getting a repair done in our area, so they just came and worked with us. That was pretty fun.

Thursday we had Zone Conference all day until around 5.

Friday was our temple trip that took our whole morning. The temple was amazing as always. 

Saturday we had to fix our tire, which took Tires Plus 2.5 hours. What?!

Basically what I'm saying is that we had some time consuming event almost every day this week, so we didn't have as much time as we normally do to go finding. But even with our limited time we had some cool miracles.
We got a referral for a guy named Mark about a week ago. We had been texting him to set up a time to meet, but never could. Then he just randomly showed up at church yesterday and met a bunch of people and really enjoyed it. We also set up a dinner and a lesson with him and a members house. Awesome!
We also had a referral named Brandon whose phone didn't work so we couldn't contact him to set up a meeting. We had stopped by a few times, but were never able to catch him. Then yesterday we felt like we really needed to try again, so we drove out to his place and caught him right as he was leaving. 
Without going into details, he told us he had been going through a lot of things and was trying to change his life around. He knows God needs to be a bigger part of his life, and he also knows that the Book of Mormon can help him. He was so excited to be able to start reading it. He said he'll read it and pray and that he wants us to send him more stuff to look at during the week. He really wants to start doing things right and becoming better. He might end up being the person we spend the most time teaching in the next little bit. He really needs some help and is super humble and wants us to help him. I'm really excited to see how he grows.
Anyway, so Thursday was my year mark. I guess I'm supposed to know what I'm doing now or something like that. Hmm. It was great, though. Mostly because I got a package from home with my favoritest homemade cookie bar things ever. I love you mom!!
Group that came out with Erik at the same time. 4th Elder to the right of Erik is a cousin of sorts. They both have the same aunt but different sides of the family. My sister-in-law Brittney is aunt to both.

Anyway, it really was a good week. Lots of things going on. Lots of cool new people to teach. It's exciting. Looking forward to another great year here in Florida. Hopefully I'll get used to the heat and humidity this year, but probably not. 

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