13 October 2019

Running with a blessing in his back pocket

Nate is focused and knows what he wants. This year he knew he really wanted to run on the varsity cross country team which is only comprised of the top seven runners on the team. He ran all summer and has also been getting up early in the mornings to get a run in before school.

Region was on Friday and on Tuesday he started to come down with a cold, his second this season. The first cold he had did not allow him to run at full capacity and wasn't kind to his time and left his placement on the team in jeopardy. When he told me he wasn't feeling well, I thought why of all weeks. This week was crucial and would kind of determine whether he went on to state with the team. There were also 4 or 5 runners who were all vying for the coveted 5, 6, and 7 spots on the team, and each was only within seconds of each other.

Wednesday morning I asked him if he would like a priesthood blessing which he said yes to. Our wonderful friend, neighbor, former bishop came over later that night and gave him one. By Friday Nate was feeling much better but still a little congested.

I was nervous for him.

I wanted him to run well.

He wanted to run well.

It's hard to run well when you can't breathe.

He gave it his all and came in 6th place overall and 5th on his team.

Now there are some who would call this story a bunch of baloney and just coincidence. They would say Nate was on his way to getting better already.

But that isn't true.

Yesterday he was more congested than Friday and could hardly talk. Same with today.

God doesn't work in coincidences. God is in the very detail of our lives. He wants us to succeed. He cares deeply about what matters to us. He knew this race meant a lot to Nathan and he knew Nate had put in the effort and time to get to where he needed to be. He had done his part.

When all seems out of our control, turn to the One who is in control, who holds the power to overcome sicknesses and infirmities.

This week was a testimony to me of the power of the priesthood. How blessed we are that God would allow his sons and daughters to tap into his power to bless the lives of others when needed.

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