06 February 2019

We caught us another one

It's been another action packed week here in Clermont. We got us another person on date last night. We also helped a family move from Chicago which was super cool. We had amazing lessons with Laurissia, Paul, and Patrick this week.

Last night James decided he wanted to be baptized. We set a date for him to be baptized on the 23rd. We had a really good discussion and read Ether 12 with him. We then felt prompted to kneel down and pray individually asking God what he desires for us, and What lack I yet? We all got our own answers, but James said he felt that God wanted him to be baptized. It was a fabulous lesson.

On Wednesday we helped a family move into our apartment complex from Chicago. We were heading out to go tracting when they pulled up in a uhaul. We asked if we could help and they accepted. It was a family of 4, with 2 kids that weren't very helpful. It would have taken them all day to move by themselves. We helped, and it took 3 hours still. We got to talk a lot about what we do as missionaries and they said we could come by sometime and share more of our message. We went by the next day to see how they were settling in. Just the kids were home, but we will go by this week and see if we can have a lesson. 

It was funny because it was the coldest day of the year here and people were all wearing big jackets and long pants, but this family just wore shorts and they were saying how nice it was. All about perspective.

We also had a lesson with Laurissia this week. We thought her name was Louisa, but it wasn't. So my email from last week has her name spelled wrong. We had 2 members at the lesson and it went really well. She lives in Four Corners, which is way too far for us to drive because we just dont have the miles. So we got Brother Neil to take us down there. It turns out he had been praying for a way to help Heavenly Father forward his work. We called that same day asking for a ride. It turns out that he speaks French, too, which is Laurissia's first language. We didnt know that until we were in the lesson. It was a miracle.

Laurissia also came to church and got introduced to all the Laurels and they were super nice to her. She will hopefully get herself a baptismal date this week.

We had another good lesson with Paul this week. He feels the spirit during all of our lessons and has been reading the Book of Mormon. He has a concern with being rebaptized though, because he's already been baptized before. Actually, he was telling us that when he was a kid, he fell into a lake while his family was getting baptized, and they just assumed that he had been baptized too. He said that he never actually was. We got really excited because we were like "Hey, we can fix that for you." We didnt actually say that, but then he told us that he got rebaptized 40 years after that, so it's all good now. This week we are hoping to go over the priesthood and invite him to be baptized by the proper authority.

Another lesson we had this week was with Patrick. He is kind of a Buddhist, but has a Christian background. He read all of 1 Nephi, which was amazing. He really enjoyed it and believes that it actually happened. He doesn't like being tied down to a specific way of thinking, so he doesn't really want to commit to doing anything right now. Maybe in our next lesson he will feel the spirit again and decide to come to church, and then we can go from there.

It's been another busy week, which is always good. We've seen a lot of miracles this week and every week. The church is true and I'm blessed to be a part of it and to be able to help others receive the gospel as well.

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