11 February 2019

Craziest Week of the Mission

What a week. I wont even summarize this week, because you just need to read it. There's a super sad twist ending, though. I took a ton of fun pics this week, and also found the gif creator function on my phone. I've had a lot of fun with that, so lots of funny gifs.

Here in Minneola, we have the best Mission Leader ever. He does so much for us and has been super involved in all we do. My week started with him taking us out on Monday night to some lessons. It was a blast and went really well. That night we pretty much reactivated 2 members.

Tuesday was one of the first days in a while that we have had time to go tracting for a bit. We ended up finding 2 people in an hour and a half. It was super cool. That night we had a lesson with Paul. Paul is the best. He has a lot of stories and is the nicest guy ever. The Tyndall family introduced us to him and have been helping a lot. This week we taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ and taught what the priesthood is and why it's important in Christ's church. We asked him to be baptized and he said he would need to ask God first. Good thing I know what God will tell him:). We have a lesson tomorrow with him and he will tell us his answer.

On Wednesday we found 2 more people and had a lesson with James. We needed to go through all 5 lessons before his baptism on the 23rd, so we taught the restoration, lesson 1. He was super ready to be baptized. We also had interviews with President, and he said he was impressed with the success we are having in Minneola. It's always good to be noticed by President.

On Thursday is when the week got good. We had nothing planned all day. It was the first time since I had been here that we had a free day. Around lunch time we got a call from the Mission Leader. He said that James, who is a foster kid, was moving back in with his mom in Ohio. Next week. That meant we couldn't baptize him on the 23rd. He had been coming to church for a year though and we thought that he was ready to be baptized. So, we decided to meet that day and teach the other 4 lessons, prep him for his interview, have his interview, fill out his paperwork, and plan a baptism. We did it. It took over 3 hours. Such a miracle that we had time for that.

Friday was service day basically. Service is the best. We were doing service from 8 to 3. It is always nice to get a break from talking to people and do some exercise and do some manual labor for a bit. 

Saturday we had the baptism for James. It went super well. He was so excited to do all his temple names on Wednesday. He had been working with the Mission Leader to do his family history. After that I got to go back to Palm Bay!!!!!! Mauro got baptized and I got to go. It was an hour forty-five down there, but we have a super cool guy in the ward who was a true homie and took us down. I got to see Elder Squires. He was just as amazing as always. Mauro was super happy to see both of us there.

On the way down though, we got a call from President. Transfers are tomorrow, Tuesday. We found out that Elder Grant will be training a greenie in Minneola, and I will be leaving. I am going to Lake Placid, in banishment at the very bottom border of the mission. My companion, Elder Hintikka, is from Finland and speaks almost no English. Its gonna be wild. I'm super sad that I'm leaving Minneola. I've only been here 1 transfer, but it is the greatest ward ever, I'm good friends with a ton of the members, and the work is progressing so much here. I really just hope I'll be able to come back when Paul and hopefully Laurissia get baptized. Lake Placid will be a good experience for me though. My new address will be 23 Sunset Lane, Lake Placid, FL.

On Sunday we got to take part in James' confirmation. He seemed super happy again. I got to say goodbye to the ward and a couple members wanted my email so we could keep in touch. I will really miss the ward here. We had a steak dinner and then we went and played pool at the clubhouse with the 4 Clermont Elders. That's always a blast. 
Spiritual Spiel
Elder Eyring's talk Remember, Remember is a super good talk I listened to this week. He says to write in a journal and record all the miracles you see. We have miracles every day that show proof of a loving Heavenly Father. They may be more noticable to me while I'm on my mission doing His work, but every one of us has them every day. I talked a while ago about remembering, and I'd like to follow up by adding that if you see something amazing, write it down. Your brain forgets things and it forgets the feelings you have, but I'd you write them down then they will never be forgotten. It may be for you in the future, or it may be for your children. 
Anyway, it was such a crazy week. I got my first 2 baptisms and got transferred. Check out the pictures for a good laugh. Next week I'll tell you how Lake Placid and the new companion are. 

P.S. I guess I look just like Walt Disney, according to Brother Harrington, the guy that drove us to Palm Bay. 

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