10 February 2019

Snow Day!

The snow came and shut down pretty much all of Salt Lake County and Tooele County except for Wells Fargo. They were open and expected their commuting workforce to somehow make it in to work with no bodily damage.

Tyler took the day off and fumed at their lack of decision making and inconsideration.

We took the day off and made breakfast burritos and orange juice

(while Erik was a 1000 miles away in sunny Florida inhaling his own Taco Bell burritos)

made forts

and shoveled snow




My body did not like me the next day.

And as I sit and write, it is snowing again with more storms forecast for this week.

Ah, Mr. Groundhog. I thought you predicted spring.

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I gave myself permission to not finish a book even though I am more than 100 pages into it. The premise was somewhat interesting . . . the US government giving 1000 women to the Indians to marry in hopes of helping them assimilate into our way of life. This never really happened although I do believe the idea was broached at some point in history. It's really dragging and when I get bogged down by a book, I need to just move on because there are so many wonderful books to be read.

Like this one:

I took a leap of insanity and checked out a book that had to be returned in one week. What was I thinking? With school books to be read and lesson plans to be written in my very limited time, who did I think I was kidding?

I tackled it and conquered and so glad I did. It was a good one. Eye-opening. Shocking. Admirable. This was story along the same lines as The Glass Castle, a girl who grows up with fundamentalist parents who don't believe in schooling or medicine, but who decides to break out of that mold, eventually earning herself a Ph.D.

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