21 August 2014

I'm alive

I just completed my first mutual activity last night and I think it was a pretty fun evening.


I didn't tell you.

My life has been spinning out of control the past couple of weeks, but I'm slowly making my way to the eye of the storm where it's calm and controlled.

Remember this post singing-by-seat-of-my-pants? Well, I was right. Changes came.

But you know, I actually knew this was coming since January. Sometimes you get those thoughts and feelings as a way for the Lord to prepare you.

However, I was still caught off guard sitting in the bishop's office.

You see I thought I was going to be Relief Society president. But then I got called to go to girls camp and knew they wouldn't redo the presidency until after girls camp.

At girls camp the bishop asked me a question that made me think, "Okay, maybe Young Women president." So I started gearing up for that.

Either way, I knew something BIG was headed my way.

When I was called to meet with the bishop, they still hadn't reorganized the Relief Society and I knew it had to happen before the Young Women's organization was redone.

So as I sat waiting I was back to thinking it was Relief Society president.

This is where I was caught off guard, when I was asked to serve as the Young Women President in our ward. My brain had to switch gears pretty quickly.

Anyway, it's been a crazy ride the past couple of weeks as I try to sort through all the logistics of how this organization is run.

I have not been in Young Women's since I was a girl. That's over 20 years ago! And it is all so different now.

I'm going to love it. I already love those girls and am so glad I had that chance to go to camp before getting called to this position.

Stayed tuned. Life just got a whole lot busier.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Those lucky girls! I love Young Women's. You will do great.