Thursday: The theme this day was Whoooo's Waiting for Your Super Power. The weather was anything but predictable that week. We finally had some warm weather, which was good since this was our hike day. Our ward was scheduled to hike first and games second. As we our hiking up the mountain, I was being a SUPER leader and out ahead of all the girls. You know. Showing them how it's done. Well, we finally stop for a break and the other leader asked if all our girls were accounted for. Nope. We're missing some. So I head back down the mountain to find them and discover one of our girls never even made it to the parking lot because of some breathing issues and returned back to camp. So we had three girls who were wardless (because they had awesome leaders who were always aware of where they were at all times . . . NOT!) I joined them and we ended up doing a different hike . . . to a waterfall which was super cool.
Later that day, after the bishop had arrived, the girls decided it was time to commence their obligatory water fight and attempted to drag me into it. I calmly held out and pointed to my camera. Snowball fight one day and water fight another. Definitely a girls camp to remember. Can I also say we have a cool bishop. He calmly lets those girls take over.
And we have a cool stake president who happens to live in our ward. Those stake leaders pretty much get what they want. Gotta love the "Super Suit."
That night was the highlight of camp. As a stake we gathered at the amphitheater to watch the bishops' pie eating contest (which turned into a pie flying fiasco which our stake leaders did not anticipate)
and watch a video that the stake leaders had actually made for the junior leaders' FHE. Monday night they were unable to get it to work but by Thursday night had all the bugs worked out. I know we were all meant to see this video.
I don't have a copy of the video but here are some of the short videos that were shown. I had such a powerful witness that this is what I wanted for my family. I want us to be more service-oriented and look at how we can better serve those around us and make a difference in our little piece of the world.
Angels in Disguise
Unsung Hero
Basketball Player
Dayton's Legs
Each person was given a balloon and after the video and while we were singing several songs together, each of us were to release our balloons when we knew who was waiting for us and our super powers. I can't even describe the feelings I had when the spirit dictated to me who was waiting for me to enable my divine gifts that Heavenly Father has bestowed on me to help in furthering his work in the kingdom.
Afterwards we returned to our own camps and held testimony meeting on a ward level. I stood and told those girls that I didn't think it was possible to come to love them like I had in those three days. Earlier the bishop had asked me if I had ever worked with the youth before. I had to tell him no. I have served in Primary my entire adult life (except for a brief stint in Relief Society as an instructor). This was my first experience with the youth and I loved it! I also told them that one of my super powers is the gift of faith. In the scriptures it tells us that some are given the gift of faith and others are given the gift to believe on their words and that if they needed to they could lean on my faith and know that I knew this gospel was the same gospel that Jesus Christ himself taught.
It was truly a week of discovering, sharing, and coming to know what the Lord has in store for little ol' me.
(This was just some of our girls. Several had gone home the night before.)
I came home and put together this little slide show that I hope the girls get to see some time.
Girls Camp 2014
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