24 August 2014

Courageous Nate

Earlier this week a cute 11-year-old girl called Kiersten about accompanying her while she sang in sacrament meeting. When Kiersten found out the song was "If the Savior Stood Beside Me," she immediately volunteered Nate because "that's his song."

And it is.

He loves it and practices it all the time and even has it memorized.

Today they performed. First, Nicole messed up by reading the wrong words. Nate hesitated and kept playing and she caught up. Then Nate messed up and quit playing in the middle. She kept singing and he figured out where they were and started in again. Some even thought that was how it was supposed to be.

Oh, he was embarrassed by his mistakes and embarrassed at what his friends thought of his performance. They were even the topic of our ward council thought today.

Courage is more than doing some great feat; Courage is not giving up and finishing the task. It's to keep going when you don't feel like giving anymore.

Those two young kids today were as courageous and brave as they come. It's not every sacrament meeting where you get to hear a 12-year-old accompany an 11-year-old in a musical performance. Kids having a way of bringing the spirit into a meeting that adults can't do. Even thought there were mistakes, you know everyone was cheering them on.

I hope we get to hear more from them.

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