So . . . . . . I've got to attempt some sort of documentation. I've found my kids over the past month pulling out the blog book I made last year and reliving their lives. They love to read about our family life together.
School is back in session. Tyler and I celebrated with lunch at Zupas, one of our favorites. I love having a house that stays clean, particularly my kitchen.
Both Alex and Nate had birthdays. Alex is now four and loving every minute of it. He says funny things like "Can I have sprinklers on my ice cream?" "Oooch" for which, "bebout" for without and "waterfaddle" for waterfall. His magic word is 1-2 and he's made up a song called "It's Awful for the Children." I have to wonder what in his short four years made him come up with that!
Today at dinner the conversation was about rolls: "I don't even have a roll!" And I said, "Alex, what do we do?" and his response was "Have one."
He is loved by all his siblings and even the kids in the neighborhood. Many of them at church make a point to seek him out and say hi.
He gave his first Primary talk and he's learned to ride his bike with training wheels. That little bit of mobility has taken him around the block often without my say so.
His favorite job around the house is to put the silverware away after being washed and he's pretty good about setting the table. He's started "having piano lessons" which consists of Ash sitting down with him and showing him how to play some songs out of our easy book. Ian is his best friend and he's constantly running over to see if he can play. It's been hard now that Ian has started school.
Nate turned the big 12 this year and is so excited to finally be able to join all his friends at young men activities. He had a birthday party of laser tag, homemade pizza and ice cream, and just hanging out. He's entered the big time now that he's started junior high.
He was able to participate in baptisms for the dead shortly after his birthday.
About a week before his birthday we were with Grandpa Sharm and he asked Nate what he would like for his birthday. Nate told him he was most excited to receive the priesthood, especially on his actual birthday. He has definitely been looking forward to this day for a long time.
Nate is my child who is kind, thoughtful, dedicated. He knows what is right and wants desperately to be obedient to the commandments. He's been running with Kiersten and the Stansbury Cross Country team this summer. That means getting up early to train EVERY morning. I don't know many kids who would dedicate their summer to doing this. And because of it, it's paid off. He's gotten faster. He even elected to run the last half of my race in Bryce Canyon with me.