27 January 2014

Book Battle

For years Nathan refused to participate in the Book Battle* at school. And I never understood why. He loves to read and has great memory recall. Finally, he agreed to do it last year and loved it. This year he was all over it.

Except there was one tiny problem. This is 6th grade which means this is also the last year to compete. The previous years the same boy has won first place ever since 2nd grade. Nathan said there was no way he would try to beat Landon. And he didn't. He took 2nd place

with his twousin** Levi taking 3rd.

I'm still trying to convince Ash to do it. I think she would rock it.

*The Book Battle is a yearly competition where the kids have to read certain books, take a test to see who makes it into the Book Battle (there's only 12 from the entire grade) and then they face off with each other with buzzers and questions. It can be intimidating for these kids since they compete in front of their peers, but I think such a great experience.
**That's a made up word we have for our Gomez family; technically the kids are Tyler's cousins, but since they are our kids age we call them our twousins.

I have to include this photo. The way Nate is standing reminds me so much of my brother Matt. That is such a Seamons stance. You can tell he is really listening and I love that.

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