17 November 2011

Superman's Mom

I came across this painting by Liz Lemon Swindle and loved it.
 It reminded me of my three boys and how much they need their mom,
especially this little guy right now.
Over the past two days Alex has grown up a lot.
First, he lost his binky, his one and only binky (that disgustingly enough Nathan used), right at bedtime.
We searched high and low and could not find it.
Much to my dismay it was time to take it away and I settled in for a long night.
He cried an hour the first night, twenty minutes at nap time,
five minutes the second night, and a few minutes at nap time today.
He's gone two days without it.
Second, he got an official haircut.
That definitely turned him into a little boy.
Third, I sat him at the computer and let him play his first computer game.
I loved listening to him squeal in delight.
Fourth, he actually tried mimicking words. We asked him to say Alex and he tried.
Fifth, he got to sit in a booster seat at Arby's instead of the high chair.
Sixth, he sat through an entire reading of Cows Can't Fly, his favorite book, without trying to turn the pages or bustling off to some other activity after two pages.
 Even big boys need their mom once in awhile, especially on this particular day by the looks of it.

Superman's Mom
Last week I fought a dragon strong
Then climbed a castle wall.
Too bad I fell from off the roof
Mom´s flowers broke my fall.

Then yesterday, I sailed to sea
The pirates at the door.
Too bad the tub was just too small
To keep the ocean off the floor.

Today, I launched a rocket to
The moon for mom to see.
Too bad the wheel came flying off
And so I skinned my knee.

But mom was there to pick me up
And make me feel alright.
Then send me out to save the world
And put my cape on tight.

Someday I´ll grow and fly away
Little doesn´t last for long.
But when I´m big I won´t forget
Even Superman Needs a Mom.