11 November 2011

Got invited to a fancy shmancy dinner

Remember those Young Men/Young Women etiquette dinners? Remember how you were supposed to learn which fork to use first, whose cup was whose, and what to do if you didn't want the wine? Well Tyler and I were invited by a good friend who is the treasurer to attend one of those dinners for the Catholic Community Services where they honor those individuals who help provide for those in need across Utah. The CCS Humanitarian Awards were hosted at the Little America hotel where individual dinners were priced at $150. I wish I had a brought a camera to get a photo of the entire table spread. I think I counted 4 different cups . . . wine, water, juice, coffee. I imagined setting this type of table at home and then imagined all the spills and chaos of who took who's fork. Ya, not going to happen at my house.

We were seated among celebrities. I call them celebrities because they're people you recognize on TV and think you'll never see in person. Carole Mikita was the emcee. Nadine Wimmer was there. We saw Scott Layden of the Utah Jazz (Tyler thought he was taller in person) and President M. Russell Ballard and Bishop H. David Burton of the LDS Church. Tyler tells me President Jeffrey R. Holland was also present. Jon Huntsman was absent but his Karen wife accepted their award. Reverend John C. Wester and Pamela Atkinson of the Catholic Church were on the program.

The people, the food, the setting all made me wish I had paid better attention during those etiquette meals. Right from the start I broke a rule and began eating before our host had begun. Immediately after my first bite Carole Mikita announced we would have a prayer and then commence eating. Oops!!

The food was delicious and the company was great. And it brought back a memory of a time when Tyler and I were living in downtown Salt Lake. Our ward was asked to bring in a meal to a church and help serve the homeless. We weren't asked to drop off a meal but we were to sit and eat with these people who had no home for whatever reason. I remember eating with a lady and her 2 small children. I don't remember their circumstances but I recall feeling bad for them and their situation. Sitting at dinner last night made me think that it was probably the Catholic Community Services that solicited those meals. I love how both the LDS and Catholic faiths work together to help alleviate suffering and try to bring a some happiness into the lives of people who don't have a lot to hope for.

Some of those honorees last night have devoted their entire lives to helping others. Granted they are Catholic Sisters who aren't raising children going in a million directions, but I have been blessed with so much and know I can step up my game where it comes to giving of myself a little more.

"We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give."
-- Sir Winston Churchill

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