14 November 2011

New calling

I haven't even lived in this ward a year and I'm on my third calling since March.

Yesterday I was released from Wolf scout leader and Primary teacher and called as the Primary chorister, and I'm a little excited about it. Crazy because I know what goes into being the chorister every week. You have to be on your toes every minute. But another crazy thing is our Primary program is this Sunday. The previous chorister has kindly said she will lead the songs for the program. I felt like I would have been stealing her thunder since she has taught them all year and she thought she'd be stepping on my toes since it is my calling now. I'm afraid I don't know the songs well enough and could see disaster waiting to happen.

Someone has told me that the chorister is the gospel doctrine teacher of Primary. And you know what, I think they are right. No one remembers the sharing times that were given but you certainly do remember the songs that were taught and sung. Music is a powerful medium.

Oh, I've got some fun things planned for December.

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