31 July 2009

Inappropriate Invective

Driving home from the grocery store, I happened to get behind a small SUV with an F word phrase plastered all over the back window. I had two kids in the car with me who could read, and I didn't really appreciate the advertising. Thankfully neither Kiersten nor Nate acknowledged it. Gradually I reduced my speed and let him get far enough ahead that I couldn't read his back window. What did I do to him to receive that kind of upbraiding?

It got me thinking. Can a cop pull over a car tattooed with indecency and fine them? Or is that crossing the freedom of speech line? Is it the same for a school educator? Can they make a student change clothing if it is deemed inappropriate?

So I looked up the guidelines for our school. "Any clothing with vulgar words or inappropriate pictures will not be allowed at school." I only wish we had such a rule in force for the roads, especially since I didn't go looking for the smut. I don't mind bumper stickers; I find some to be quite comical. But this was no inconspicuous sticker, rather a blatant reminder that some people have no propriety.

I wonder what his neighbors think?

As a kind of comical side to this, Nate came to me the other day wanting me to spell this particular word being referenced so he would know when he saw it and wouldn't accidently say it. I told him there was no need for me to spell it; he would know it when he saw it.


Jule said...

Maybe the only way to combat
bad language is to post something
good and uplifting on your own. I was trying to think of a good scripture, but couldn't remember where the language ones were found.

mommaquincy said...

It makes me wonder about people that drive around like that! Do they have children? I hope not!