05 August 2009

Two great stories I heard this week on integrity

My definition of integrity is doing the right thing even when no one will know or see it. It's choosing the right in the dark. It's being a good person because you want to be, not because of a set of rules or commandments or because someone tells you to.

Several weeks ago Erik was grounded from having pop for a week because he got himself a rootbeer float and left a mess all over the counter. However, several days later he went to Grandma's for a week and she didn't know about the punishment. She asked if he wanted some pop one day and he told her how he was grounded until the first of August. Later that week on July 31 she accidentally poured him a glass of pop for lunch. He reminded her that he couldn't have pop to which she responded that she had forgotten. He decided that he would go ahead and drink what she had given him, but the next day (which was August 1) he would go without.

I don't know my cousin Nick at all, other than the time I babysat him and his siblings at Grannie's for my Aunt Lisa and he pooped all over my pants. He has just graduated from high school and is going on a mission in December. Financially, hard times have come to his parents and they are having a difficult time making ends meet. This kid works in a law office doing menial work I suppose.,When he gets his paycheck he immediately turns it over to his mother (probably after paying tithing on it). What 18-year-old kid would do that with his hard-earned money?

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

That is good to hear about good people. I'm glad one of them is your awesome son!