29 March 2008

Ashlyn Leary, 3 Years Old

aka Ash, Ashie, Ashes
March 21, 2005
Height: 34 1/4 inches
Weight: 27 pounds, 8 ounces
Favorite Book: "Stain bears" (any Berenstain bears book)
Favorite Color: pink
Favorite Song: "Jesus Loves Me" (one she made up)
Favorite Movie: Baby Einstein
Favorite TV Show: cartoons
Favorite Food: macaroni and cheese, yogurt, chocolate cake
Favorite Game: memory
Favorite Toys: baby dolls and books
Favorite Places: "our little park"
Close Friends: Nathan, her brother
Hobbies: likes to look through books, play with her siblings, take care of her baby dolls, ride bike, bubble baths
What I want to be when I grow up: "Like Bert" (we read a potty book where Bert was big and went potty by himself and remembered to wash his hands; so now she tells me she wants "to be like Bert, tomorrow")
Personality: Has become very independent. Her favorite word is NO and can be very persistent about asking for something. She's the baby and she knows it and works it to her advantage. She knows she can get any or her siblings to do anything for her. She loves to read books and gives wonderful hugs. Has no desire to be potty trained.
Neuroblastoma Update: She had her last MRI several weeks ago which came back good with no sign of anything unusual. She was so brave when they did the IV and didn't even cry. I don't know whether to attribute it to her being older or to the child-life specialist who came in with a play doll and all the paraphernalia to do an IV and actually had Ash help her put an IV in the doll's arm. She was great! Our next appointment with Dr. Affify, her oncologist, is in a year.

1 comment:

Seamons Family said...

Grandpa absolutely got a big chuckle out of this picture of little cutie!!