just in case you were wondering why I haven't posted anything in over a week.
6:45 am
- crawled out of bed; didn't get to bed until after 11 pm last night, so that 6 am alarm came early, BUT I showered last night, so no need to this morning.
Before 10 am (in no particular order)
- family scripture study and prayer
- pancakes for breakfast
- got Kiersten off to school before 8 am for choir
- gave Ash a bath and did her hair
- got myself ready
- cleaned up the kitchen
- painted my toenails and Ashie's fingernails (I told her they looked pretty; she said, "No. They're fancy.")
- ironed half the clothes waiting to be ironed (didn't get to it last week, so I have a much bigger pile this week)
- made sure Kiersten and Erik had lunches
- checked my email
- started this post
10 am to 2 pm
- picked up Nate from school
- read my scriptures; I'm only a few days behind on my new Pres. Hinckley challenge
- looked for homes in our neighborhood on www.utahrealestate.com
- lunch of peanut butter and honey sandwiches, apples, raisins, oreo cookies, milk
- picked Kiersten and Erik up from school and headed to the dentist (they both had zero cavities and no braces for awhile; their mom, however, needs a crown on the molar I chipped eating one of Jake's caramel brownies)
2 pm to 6 pm
- our pediatrician moved into the same building as our dentist, so I killed two birds with one stone today; while Kiersten and Erik were getting their teeth cleaned I took Ash up one floor for her 3-year-old well-child check up; so convenient and she didn't even have to get immunizations
- put Erik in charge of dinner (he chose quesadillas, or fun cheese sandwiches as we call them)
- Kiersten and I went to Literacy Night at the elementary school; it was a read-a-thon with pizza and sprite for 3rd to 6th graders; I thought there was more babysitting going on than reading and won't be surprised if they don't do it next year
6 pm to bedtime
- home teachers at 7 pm; had to leave Literacy Night early, but this got me out of sitting on the hard gym floor
- book club at 7:30 pm; we discussed The Five Love Languages--another post for another day; next month's book is Mrs. Mike, one of my favorites; I would love to read it again, but I'm debating whether or not to with our next book club meeting being so close to our Ireland trip
- finished this post
Things I Didn't Get Done, But Would Have Liked To
- finishin (that's an Ashie word, along with blanklet, blanklie, coldin) the ironing
- find a substitute for our Valiant 9A class
- work on getting my new recipes online
- clean blinds
- put up my new coat rack in the laundry room
Wow! Was that enough for one day. As a side note, this was a somewhat atypical day. I stay busy but not usually running from one activity to another.
Tomorrow's post:
6:00 am: asleep
6:30 am: asleep
6:59 am: get up, still in jammies:
8:20 am: kids off the school, still in jammies
9:00 am: read a book by the fire (it's supposed to be cold and possibly rainy)
10:47 am: still reading
11:33 am: get Nate from school, possibly still in jammies
12:00 pm: lunch, watch noon news, since that's what we do every day
1:09 pm: heck, I may just stay in my jammies all day and read, read, read. I might venture out to the grocery store to buy some ingredients to try a new recipe called "Cafe Rio Salad Dressing", but the point is I don't want to do anything or go anywhere after today.
Whew! That made me tired just reading your post...
Oh----------the days of having kids go to school can be so draining. Now I wake up long enough to see if the shower is going and back to sleep 15 min. before Natalie leaves to watch for the bus. Read scriptures and fall asleep again and finally decide I better do something before getting ready for work at noon. hmmmmmmmmm maybe I do have sleep apnea or just plain lazy bones, but I did raise 5 kids through the school years so I deserve a break, right?
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