Last month book club was at my house and therefore I got to choose the next book to read. I browsed my book shelves and found two that I had been wanting to read and hadn't yet. Cold Sassy Tree and At Home in Mitford. Several ladies had read both and so we settled on At Home in Mitford, a book about a preacher's daily life and how he cares for his parishioners. One of our book club attendees who had read it described it as a la, la, la book; a gentle, rolling book; and to don't expect a climax or plot. A good book to read after The Count of Monte Cristo.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! This book was 446 pages too long. It took me 250 pages to just get into it a little. And it took me a month to read. I might have read it faster if I had not known to not expect any kind of plot. It might have kept me trudging along hopping for something, anything to happen. Anyway, not my kind of book.
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