22 June 2019

Round 3 in Rockledge

This week was a good week. We now have 4 people with a baptismal date, so that's hype. Plus I get to stay here another 6 weeks! I will get a new comp, Elder Tempest, and lead out an area for my first time. He is fairly new and I haven't met him yet, but this transfer is going to be a good one.

We had a great lesson with Jen this week. She wants to be baptized, but there are two things in her way. She needs to get married to Jon and she needs to stop smoking. We went over with Bishop Waters and set a date for him to marry them on July 15. We also set incremental goals for her to quit smoking. She is set to be baptized on July 20. I am super happy for her. I would really appreciate it if you all can pray for her to have the strength and help needed to quit smoking before then. I hope we will see a miracle and she will be able to quit.

Karen also has a baptismal date still, but she hasn't made much progress with smoking and drinking. She knows the church is true and has the desire to quit, but in the moment of temptation she gives in still. She also is in a lot of pain, so drinking helps her get through that. I would also appreciate it if you guys can pray for her to not have as much pain so she can quit drinking and pray for her to be able to overcome her temptations to smoke. Again, I know Miracles can happen with a lot of faith and prayer.

The other 2 people on date are Alyssa and Jacob. They are the kids of a recently returning member. They don't have any obstacles in their way and will be baptized on July 13.

I don't usually ask for you guys to pray for people for me, but these people 
really need it. They need to blessings that come from baptism and living the word of wisdom, and just need a little help to push through next few weeks. I hope with all our prayers I will be able to report back next week with some good progress made. 

In other news, I saw an alligator get captured and killed in the middle of a neighborhood lake this week. It was absolutely crazy.

Other than that, nothing new this week other than regular missionary stuff.

Just biking in crazy downpours and then scorching heat 10 minutes later. Nothing new. 

P.S. This is my little addendum to Erik's letter. For one of their p-days he was able to go to the Kennedy Space Center.



And then for the last one before transfer day, they headed to the beach. They have to get there rather early before anyone else shows up basically.

This is the Gonzalez family (Danny, Cristal, and their three girls) who have taken really good care of Erik. They have him and Elder Ward over every Monday night for dinner and games. Danny is the "champion" of the world in Settlers of Catan and Erik just couldn't get let him get away with that.

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