14 June 2019

I Saw The Prophet, and Other Amazing Things

This week was amazing. We had a great lesson with Jon and Jen. Good things are starting to happen there. Karen is on date to be baptized! And I got to hear from the prophet yesterday!

We've been working with Jon and Jen since I got to Rockledge, and missionaries had been visiting them long before that. Jon is a member, Jen isn't. We have had a hard time having lessons with them because their work schedules have been so terrible that every time we go over, one of them is walking out the door. They were never home at the same time. After lots of effort and prayers, though, they got new jobs with normal schedules. We have had a lesson 2 weeks in a row now, like a real lesson as opposed to just talking about jobs and life struggles like we had been. We found out that Jen wants to be baptized and that in order to do that she wants to get married to Jon and stop smoking. We invited them to pray and set dates for when she will get married, be off cigarettes, and get baptized. So tomorrow we are going to visit them and go over their goals, so by next week she should have a set baptismal date. Yay!!

Karen is super golden. Last week she bore her testimony in church her very first time there and basically said the church was true. We then had a lesson this week on Wednesday. We taught the whole restoration which she also knows to be true already. We invited her to come hear the prophet on Sunday and she started crying she was so happy, because she had heard about it but didn't think she could get a ticket, but we had one for her. We also set a baptismal date with her for June 22. It was a great lesson.

We went over again on Friday to see her and found out some things we didn't know before that might cause us to push that date back a little, but we will see. She was still super excited to see the prophet, but she said she was starting to get sick. Then on Sunday we call to see if she needed a ride to church and she was super sick. She ended up having to miss church and the devotional she was so sick.😭 It was a major bummer for both of us. Hopefully she will get feeling better soon so we can continue helping her progress toward baptism.

We still got to go to the devotional yesterday, though. President Nelson and Elder Uchtdorf both spoke to all the members in the central Florida area. It was amazing. I got to see a whole bunch of members from my past wards, which was super fun. We also met missionaries from other Florida missions.

The best part though by far was getting to hear the prophet. I was on the front row to see it. He spoke about staying on the covenant path and about the blessings that come from it. He also spoke about the Book of Mormon. Something he said that I liked was that the Book of Mormon is truth in the purest for we have it. It is pure scripture. Read it! The Book of Mormon is truly amazing and it is a miracle in itself. To have been written in such short time and to be published on its first draft, with only minor grammer errors, is a miracle. It truly is God's word.

I also liked President Uchtdorf's talk a lot. He talked about responding to criticisms with invitations. "By their fruits ye shall know them." Inviting people to "come and see", "come and help", and "come and stay" allows them to see our fruits. I agree completely with that, if someone has doubts about the church or questions about different things, invite them do do something that will allow them to see the fruits and feel that it is true.

I'm very grateful for the opportunity I had to hear the Lord's prophet in person. I know that he is a true prophet. I know the things he teaches are true and can bless you as you live them. Stay on the covenant path or get on the covenant path. There are innumerable blessings to be had.

Also, we had stake conference yesterday as well. Busy day.

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