26 May 2019

Missionary Letters

First week of transfer 6 in the books. It wasn't a great week because of some things, but we did have a lot of good things happen that will make this upcoming week fantastic.

The problem this week was that Elder Ward was sick from Monday to Thursday. That made it very hard to be effective missionaries. When your companion is sick, you have to sit inside with him. The good thing was that I got a lot of time to study, and I had just been given a bunch of talks to listen to from Elder DeMoux. I got to listen to some Hugh Nibley, Hugh B. Brown, and Truman G. Madsen. They know the gospel really well, and I learned some cool stuff from them.

Elder Ward got better by Friday, so we spent the second half of the week visiting everyone we couldn't visit during the beginning of the week.

The good thing that happened this week was that even while we couldn't do much in our apartment, things were still happening in the ward. We talked to a couple people at church today who have been sharing the gospel with people in their lives. There are a few people that might be ready to start meeting with us. It's amazing when members of the ward do missionary work of their own.

We also got 2 Book of Mormon media referrals. Those are very rare, so it was amazing that we got 2 on the week that we weren't able to find people by ourselves. #miracle! Their names are Wendell and Elizabeth. They are amazing and want to learn more about the Book of Mormon, so hopefully we will have some good lessons this week. We have a few people that we are going to try and set a baptismal date with this week also. Now that we are back to full force I should have a lot to report next week.

I always find something fun to put on when we are sorting clothes at service. This is what I found this week. 

8 MONTHS IN - May 20
It's crazy, I am a third of the way through the mission. I feel like a greenie still, and I guess I will be one until I finish. There's always more to learn. Little known fact: no missionaries really know what they're doing, they just do their best and trust in the Lord. It works out though, this week we put a lot of time into finding and found 5 new people to teach. It was a great week.

3 of the people we found have been taught by missionaries in the past. I saw their records and they seemed like they had lots of potential. Jennifer and Virginia were 2 of them. They were taught about 1.5 years ago by one of my friends Elder Cannon. We knocked on their door and started talking about what they talked to the past missionaries about. We found out they are still looking for a church, which they were doing 1.5 years ago, so we invited them to come to ours. #miracle. We will teach them this week and hopefully get them to church this Sunday. 

Another person we found is named Wendell. He was a Bible referral about a week ago that we haven't been able to contact yet. We stopped by yesterday and he wasn't home, but had seen us driving by while he was at his neighbor's house. He said the spirit told him we were going to his house, so he ran home and right as we were leaving he ran up and introduced himself. #miracle. We gave him the Bible and introduced the Book of Mormon to him. He accepted it and said he'd start reading that night and that we could come by again this week. We are super excited for him.

I also went on an exchange this week with Elder Pennock, who is an amazing missionary. He is so consecrated and loves Christ. I learned so much from him about being genuine and really putting your trust in the Lord to guide you.

I really don't know what I'm doing as a missionary, but it's been amazing to see how as I put forth effort and do my part the Lord provides. This is His work. President Monson said "If we are on the Lord’s errand, we are entitled to the Lord’s help." I hope each of you focus on being "On the Lord's errand" so you can experience the miracles he works through you.

This kiddo loves me. He is a cutie.

Zone Training Meeting pic 

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