02 December 2018

Angels Among Us

I'm sitting here in awe at what just transpired. My previous bishop and friend, Mark Steinagel, just called to say he had just surprised Erik, or Elder Leary I should say, at church. I knew he was going to Orlando on a business trip because he asked for Erik's information. I gave him what I had but let him know I certainly did not expect him to seek our Erik because of the distance. Erik is in an area an hour south of Orlando.

But in my heart of hearts, I knew he would find a way to get down there.

And he did. He said, "I wasn't sure if I was breaking mission rules by being there, but I figured I wasn't family."

He called me after church to tell me about his experience.

Mark and his daughter drove 1 1/2 hours to the meetinghouse Erik is assigned to. They walked in just as it was about to start to find a full meetinghouse with no seats except for the two right up by two elders in white shirts.The opening hymn had begun as they made their way to these two empty seats. He sat down nonchalantly by Erik. Mark said the face Erik made when he glanced over to see who was sitting by him was priceless as Erik gave him the biggest grin. Erik immediately leaned over to his companion to tell him who was sitting with them.

They briefly talked after the meeting, but Mark could tell that Erik was unsure how to interact with someone from home. He could tell that Erik felt the need to get to work with whatever they had planned that day. After learning that Erik and his companion didn't have a car in the 89 degree heat, he offered to take them wherever they needed to be. He was going to consecrate his rental car to the work of the Lord for the day. Immediately after he felt that wasn't the right thing to do, and Erik confirmed his feelings when he said (without consulting with his companion), "I don't think that would be a good idea."

They talked just briefly and Mark watched Erik and his companion talk with some people up front and then out in the hall. He felt it was time to go and quickly waved goodbye to Erik.

Mark relayed to me that Erik looked fantastic. He looked happy and upbeat. Oh how this mother's heart was grateful to hear from someone who had a first hand experience with Elder Leary in the mission field. You get emails home, but sometimes I wonder how much he's really saying. I guess that is why the Holy Ghost is so important. I've felt at peace with the weekly emails and haven't had to worry too much. The Holy Ghost has given me that peace and Bishop Steinagel confirmed those feelings today.

Twenty-three more days until we get to talk to our missionary. I CAN'T WAIT!! I need to commission Ash and Alex to make us a missionary chain instead of the usual Christmas chain.

Mark has been an important part of my family's life. He has given such great service unselfishly as he puts other's needs first. He will always have a special place in my heart for the service he has given to us.

*He didn't feel comfortable getting a picture with Erik so this is what I've got from the day Erik opened his mission call. Bishop Steinagel is in the suit.

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