21 October 2018

Little miracle in the classroom

When you invite God into all facets of your life, little miracles can and do occur. This year I have a student (whom I'll call Mr. T.) who struggles to be happy and do work. I've included him in my prayers, asking to know how to help him succeed. Several weeks ago our district had a professional development day with speakers and classes. As I was listening to the opening speaker and thinking about this Mr. T., the speaker said that we need to help students find their passion. And the thought that came to me immediately was "have him write about video games." Mr. T. LOVES to tell me all about his video games and their ratings and how to play them.

Fast forward a few days and Mr. T. wasn't wanting to do what I had planned for the class. I gave him a writing page and said,"Why don't you write about your favorite video game." Well, he immediately latched on to that idea and wrote two pages in one sitting. During morning meeting he asked to share with the class. They were all impressed he could write so much. Later that day I found an old 3-ring binder which I gave him to keep his writing pages in.

He's been taking it home and brings it to music where he normally likes to be disruptive and make noises. But not this past week or so. He sits and writes. I have had a breakthrough and am praying that I can continue to help him progress. Mr. T. even invited me to his house to play games and gave me a hug on the way out of class the other day.

God is very much aware of all aspects of our life. Work, play, home, spiritual, physical. I know I can get revelation for even the kids in my classroom. They are under my stewardship for six hours a day, and while I am still getting to know and understand them, God knows their name and their needs at this very moment.

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