02 April 2017

Valley of the Goblins

Our original plans for spring break didn't come to fruition due to no job. We were going to surprise the kids on Ash's birthday and fly to Seattle for a few days. Life has a way of altering plans.

Instead, Tyler stayed home due to several job opportunities that he needed to be available for while we headed south to grandma's.

Valley of the Goblins. Doesn't that just sound more intriguing than Goblin Valley. Our last jaunt there was six years ago which Alex doesn't remember.

Fast forward and we are now entering that stage where I feel the need to revisit places so he'll remember what the older kids have already experienced.

A slot canyon was first on our list.

Little Wild Horse.

The kids are not big hikers. Seems they like to grumble and complain anytime we mention it. However, this one was different. Maybe because it was the scaling and meandering and squeezing that made it different.

After our hike, it was off to Goblin Valley for lunch and playing.

As a child I would come to this state park for field trips. It is the best place for a game of tag, hide-and-seek, or sardines.

These are the days of . . . 
*An accepted job offer. Tyler starts work for Wells Fargo in two weeks. It's not a great job but it's an income for now. He is still earnestly looking and flies out to Indianapolis for another interview this week for a different company.

*Tennis matches.

*Lots of rain which brings beautiful green grass.

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